Doh! Lost signal (I think) a little after midnight. This is going to take some work. These XBee’s are having a hard time with some pretty vanilla construction issues. The transmitter and receiver were only 25-30 feet apart, one outside behind a large window, one inside.
It’s alive. Again. Configured an old G4 Mac Mini running OS X 10.5.8 to run the python code to upload temps. This is good. I’ll set it up headless by the window and see if I can get it to see the signal from the Xbee in a plastic container on our terrace…
Crap, batteries are dead, batteries reading ~0.75 V (I use 2xAA batteries and an adjustable boost circuit from Pololu). They lasted only about a month. Time to start working on that solar power supply…
[…] a circuit to supplement battery power on the TMP36 temperature sender. Unfortunately, I have a long way to go before I fully understand what I’m dealing with […]
Doh! Lost signal (I think) a little after midnight. This is going to take some work. These XBee’s are having a hard time with some pretty vanilla construction issues. The transmitter and receiver were only 25-30 feet apart, one outside behind a large window, one inside.
It’s alive. Again. Configured an old G4 Mac Mini running OS X 10.5.8 to run the python code to upload temps. This is good. I’ll set it up headless by the window and see if I can get it to see the signal from the Xbee in a plastic container on our terrace…
Crap, batteries are dead, batteries reading ~0.75 V (I use 2xAA batteries and an adjustable boost circuit from Pololu). They lasted only about a month. Time to start working on that solar power supply…
New batts in 8:41AM 6.26.12
New batts at 11:40AM on 7.16.12. Clearly not sustainable. I have another project in the works, but will return to solar powering this thing in August.
Off, until I get the solar working…
Solar power comes to JaldiLabs | Jaldi Labs
[…] a circuit to supplement battery power on the TMP36 temperature sender. Unfortunately, I have a long way to go before I fully understand what I’m dealing with […]